Free Workout Plan

Want to workout with us for free?

Download our 28 day Workout plan.

Each day of the plan has a follow along workout to complete. All the workouts are short and effective, no longer than 20 minutes (most are only 5-10 minutes). They are ideal if you want to workout in the comfort of your own home, all you’ll need is a pair of dumbbells and an exercise mat if you have one.

Mondays - Total Body

Tuesdays - HIIT

Wednesday - Upper Body

Thursday - Core

Friday - Lower Body

Saturday - Pilates

Sunday - Stretch

Once you download your plan simply click on the workout image each day from your phone or laptop and it will take straight to the follow along workout video. Enjoy!

Don’t have any equipment at home?

Here our our affordable recommendations…

One of the first things we recommend for training at home is an exercise mat. Especially for core, pilates & stretching. It means you won’t slip around on the carpet or floor and provides cusioning for your knees/joints etc when working out.

A set of dumbbells is the best bit of equipment you buy for training at home. They are perfect for a variety of exercises, from strength training to functional movements. These Hexagonal dumbbells are our favourite style to train with. A pair of 5kgs are a great place to start!

You can also get dumbbells with a neoprene coating, these are a smaller more compact style which some clients prefer. You can get them in a variety of colours and are great for upper body workouts in particular. The first dumbbells we ever bought were a green a set of green 4kgs!

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